1st ISCaM Meeting - 5th ISPDC Meeting
Wednesday, 8 October 2014 to Saturday, 11 October 2014
The 5th meeting of the International Society for Proton Dynamics in Cancer (ISPDC) was connected with the 1st meeting of the International Society of Cancer Metabolism (ISCaM) in order to generate a common platform for scientists interested in diverse research, translational and clinical aspects of pH control and metabolism in cancer. The meeting was held in the Congress center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences at Smolenice castle in Slovakia between 8th and 11th October, 2014 and gathered 65 participants. The castle facilities, social events and great scientific program created very friendly and creative atmosphere, which inspired the meeting participants to live discussions, exchanges of ideas and new collaborations.
The meeting program was composed of 30 oral presentations (involving 17 invited talks) and 23 poster presentations. Scientific highlights of the program included talks by the world-renowned personalities in the field, such as Robert Gillies, Nicholas Denko, Grahame Hardie, Eyal Gottlieb, Angelo De Milito, Pierre Sonveaux, Clemens Schmitt, Jacques Pouyssegur, Pawel Swietach, Christian Stock, Stine Pedersen, and Stefano Fais, who covered different biological phenomena linked to cancer metabolism and pH control, including autophagy, senescence, tumor-stroma crosstalk etc. Nevertheless, other speakers and poster presenters also brought interesting “stories” and innovative approaches and made this meeting scientifically and socially rewarding.
Two ISCaM awards to the best communications was assigned to the PhD students Qian Tan (Canada) and Vincente Van Hee (Belgium).
On behalf of the organizers of this meeting, I would like to thank all of you who contributed to success of this scientific event, and hope that it will motivate you to become ISCAM members and attend the next meeting in September 2015 in Venezia.
Silvia Pastorekova